
How Long Does Microblading Last? Is It Permanent or Not?

Microblading has emerged as a sought-after solution for those yearning for perfectly shaped, full eyebrows without the daily hassle of makeup. Yet, amidst the allure of this cosmetic trend, a practical question lingers: how long does microblading last?

Today, we'll delve into the durability of microblading and consider if it can truly substitute the best eyebrow products in Australia. Whether you're an aficionado of the finest pencils and gels or a newcomer curious about semi-permanent options, understanding the longevity of microblading can help you weigh its pros against the best eyebrow products on the market.

Understanding Microblading

Microblading is a form of semi-permanent makeup that uses a manual hand-tool equipped with tiny needles to deposit pigment under the skin. This technique creates fine, hair-like strokes that mimic the appearance of natural eyebrow hairs. Unlike traditional tattooing which penetrates deeper skin layers, microblading involves a more superficial application, resulting in a less permanent outcome.

Duration of Microblading

The longevity of your microblading results is not a fixed period and will vary based on several individual factors. These factors interact with the pigment's retention in the skin, impacting how often you'll need a touch-up to keep your brows looking their best. Here are the key elements that influence the duration of microblading:

  • Skin Type: Oily skin types may find that microblading pigment fades quicker due to the production of natural oils.
  • Lifestyle: Those who frequently swim, sweat, or expose themselves to the sun may see a faster fading of their eyebrow treatment.
  • Sun Exposure: Just like with traditional tattoos, prolonged sun exposure can significantly shorten the lifespan of microbladed eyebrows by causing the pigment to break down more rapidly.
  • Post-Procedure Care: Adhering strictly to the given aftercare instructions is crucial as it affects the healing process and the final appearance of the microblading.
  • Pigment Color: Lighter colors tend to fade faster than darker hues, which is something to consider when choosing your microblading pigment.
  • Immune System: Every individual's body reacts differently to foreign substances, including the pigments used in microblading, potentially affecting how long the effect lasts.

Maintenance and Aftercare

Proper aftercare is crucial in extending the life of your microbladed eyebrows and ensuring the best possible outcome. Here are some aftercare tips to follow post-procedure:

  • Avoid Water and Sweat: For the first week after your microblading session, keep the brow area dry from water and sweat. This means no swimming, saunas, or intense workouts.
  • Sun Protection: Apply a high-SPF sunscreen to your brows once healing is complete to prevent the pigment from fading under sun exposure. Wear hats or visors when out in direct sunlight.
  • No Picking or Scratching: As your brows heal, they will scab and peel. It's imperative not to pick or scratch at the healing skin as this can remove the pigment.
  • Use Recommended Products: Only use the post-care ointment provided by your technician, and refrain from using any makeup or creams on the brows for at least two weeks.
  • Touch-Up Sessions: Plan for regular touch-up appointments, typically once a year, to refresh your brows and keep them looking sharp.

Remember, your technician will provide personalised care instructions tailored to your skin's needs and lifestyle habits. Following these guidelines will ensure the longevity of the microblading results and preserve the appearance of your beautifully crafted brows.

Permanent or Not?

While microblading offers a lasting effect, it is not a completely permanent solution. Most clients can expect their microblading results to last between 1 to 3 years, depending on the factors previously discussed. The body eventually metabolises the pigment, and the strokes begin to fade, necessitating a touch-up to restore their defining appearance.

Unlike a traditional tattoo, which is permanent due to the depth of the ink, microblading is designed to fade over time, allowing for natural changes in style and color preference as trends and personal tastes evolve.

Is Microblading Safe for All?

While microblading is widely considered safe and effective, it's important for potential clients to evaluate their eligibility with a professional. Certain conditions such as skin diseases, active skin conditions, or compromised immune systems may affect the healing process or cause complications.

Pregnant or nursing individuals are usually advised against undergoing microblading. It's also crucial for clients to ensure that they visit a reputable esthetician or cosmetic tattoo artist who maintains the highest standards of cleanliness and uses high-quality pigments, as well as sterile, single-use needles.

The key is to have a thorough consultation before the procedure to discuss any concerns and to clearly understand the potential risks and aftercare requirements.


Microblading offers a semi-permanent solution for anyone wondering, "what is the purpose of an eyebrow?" or seeking to elevate their look with minimal maintenance. While it's not entirely permanent like some makeup techniques, the transformative effects can last for years with proper care.

To maintain your new look, use products like the best brow gel and be consistent with your aftercare routine. With this in mind, you can enjoy your microbladed brows for as long as possible, ensuring that every glance in the mirror is met with joy and confidence.

About Bondi Lash Lab

At Bondi Lash Lab, we offer products that help you achieve salon-like results at home. We work closely with Australia's best natural research labs to develop products, i.e., brow pen backed by solid science and a focus on natural ingredients. We also deliver grooming services with professional results in the comfort of your own home. For more information, send an email to info@bondilashlab.com or fill out our contact form.
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